Saturday, August 31, 2013

Tuesday :) Ridge of Wind and 365 Safety Experience Zone

** I know I'm behind like 2 weeks but life has been hectic Xd**

We started today by going to the Ridge of Wind. It's sort of like a mountain ridge where they built over a dozen wind turbines. Here they also grow cabbage, that were literally the 3x the size of my head! It was crazy! We got here by taking a bus and then walking up hill for a few minutes. I didn't go all of the way to the top but I took a lot of pictures about halfway up! After we finished up here we went to see a place called the 365 safety experience center after lunch. This place was made for kids and preteens as you could tell by the bright paint colors, but some of the stuff was made for adults. Our group first went to the earthquake simulator which was sort of like an indoor roller coaster simulator. We had 3d glasses and everything. It was short but sweet. It kind of hurt to be jostled about so much! After this we went to the Terrorist simulator ( I know it sounds weird but let me explain). That's the name of it but I didn't get a terrorist feeling from it. What happened was that we went in groups of 4 down through an elevator and were seated in this 360 degree car. It then proceeded through rooms with huge screens where the terrorists would pop out and go through this story line.. I think it was futuristic bio warfare. I guess we all died in the end maybe? I wasn't paying attention because I thought people would be like poppin out of places but nothing happened XD 

This is where things got fun~! Our final activity of the day was a military obstacle course! This course was nestled high into a neighboring mountain so we got to take a gondola up. Here we got fitted into safety harnesses and helmets and then we walked over to the course. It was suspended about 3 stories and you were attached to a rope system on only one side, and everything rocked and swung so pretty much if you fell you'd be hanging awkwardly with no net underneath you.. Everything was fine besides the sideways rope bridge Xd! We then got to propell zip line down to the group and then got to do a decently sized zip line across a lake ( Costa Rica spoiled me with ziplines, sorry Korea!). After this we had dinner and then checked into our hotel! In this hotel there was a sauna room called a jimjibang. Here you get an outfit and then there are steam rooms, pools of hot/cold water, and then another level filled with hot and cold rooms. People in Korea freuqent these types of places and sometimes people even sleep overnight! (I mean for $6 it's not bad..) we ended the night with a minor spider scare in our room (eww) and air conditioning! 

Photos will be up later~! I'm too lazy to separate them by day but they are in order :)

Culture corner: 

What can I write about for this culture corner... Hmmm since I already said things about the sauna I think that's covered! 


EXO's Growl
G-Dragon's Coup d'etat 

Dramas I'm watching: 

Master's Sun (omg it's scary but soooooo good) 
Goddess of Fire (I'm a sucker for historical dramas) 

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